holds 20% of funds in hot wallet and 80% in cold storage. We using Trezor HD wallet to store Bitcoins and Litecoins. Gbytes are stored also in cold storage using offline technology.
Withdrawals are processed automatically to cover withdrawal queue.
Our hot wallet solutions works for you. Not against you. Systems checking if amount of coins are exactly the same as total amount of balances(deposits-withdrawals). In case of any issue or if system verify that numbers not matching deposits and withdrawals or that someone trying alter database or balance - will shut down all withdrawals and block all wallets until its reset manually.
To protect users we require two-factor authentication for all withdrawals. Whole is protected by SSL, so you can rest easy about the safety of your funds and personal information.
Our servers are monitored by cloudflare which helps tackling Ddos. systems take advantage of Amazon Web Services’ first-class security.