To place an order you need to be logged in and verified with 2fa enabled.
Next you need to open a tradeview window and you must follow steps below:
To place an order make sure your account shows a positive balance. Then, go to :
If you wish to buy LTC, the BUY LTC must be filled. Please provide the price you wish to pay per LTC and amount of LTC you wish to buy. The total will be automatically calculated. If your balance is not sufficient to cover the amount you wish to buy, the system automatically will use only balance available and recalculate the whole table.
Once you have filled all just click Buy LTC or Sell LTC to ad new order to order book.
Confirmation of the above step will appear in the order book. In this example - sell LTC- therefore ASK ORDER was added to order book that can be seen below:
To place Bid order (buy order) follow same procedure but click Buy LTC